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Jakub Kozłowski | A 1.00000000000001x engineering blog

Asking better questions

From the very first day I started learning how to program, I had questions. So many questions!

Thing is, after some time, as my career progressed, I ended up being on the receiving end of such questions more and more. That never changed - in fact, I'm used to people asking for help many times a day.

All of this is to say, I've asked and been asked probably thousands of questions - good ones, but also bad ones, and I would like to share a couple of tips on how to ask better questions. These tips will not only help you reach a solution sooner, but possibly a better solution altogether.

Nix Flakes: first steps

I keep getting questions about how to start with Nix. I believe the way to go in 2022 is to start with Flakes, so in this post I'll describe just that.

If you want to learn Nix from first principles instead, I recommend Nix Pills and

Learning vim by blogging

I decided that writing about something is one of the easiest ways to learn it for a longer period of time. In this blog post, which I hope to update once in a while, I'll be sharing my findings about Vim (neovim).

This post will be written exclusively in (variants of) Vim.

Data coherence at large

A week ago, while coming back from Scalar, I was thinking about coherent data. In particular, I was wondering if it's possible to perform certain simple validations and encode their results in types. Here's what i found.

What makes a function pure?

Everyone knows that naming things is hard. In fact, often it seems to be one of the hardest things in computer science and programming in general. In addition, sometimes a single word has multiple meanings, or worse - a term is explained in a variety of slightly differing definitions. One such term is a pure function.